LifeTruth classes are Sunday-morning opportunities to connect with others for discipleship, instruction, and bible study. In these spring- and fall-semester classes, we get to dive deeply into various topics. Some classes are detailed looks at specific books of the Bible or of Church history; some clases cover biblical approaches to common issues, such as parenting 0r mental health; some classes are geared toward equipping believers for ministry. Every semester of classes offers a different set of opportunities for growing and equipping!

LifeTruth classes take place after service on Sunday mornings, from 11:11am to 12:00pm. Classes run in semester-long chunks in the spring and fall.

Childcare is available during LifeTruth classes!



Ladies' Class

Ladies, Join us for a study of Proverbs as we trace the theme of wise living through the book to its culmination in the wise woman of Proverbs 31. In this class we will explore the questions of: Who is this lady and what does she teach us? And how does she fit within the wisdom book of Proverbs? (The answers might surprise you!)

Shepherding Your Flock: Commitments for Intentional Discipleship (Men's Class)

Men are called to lead by example within the body of Christ. The writer of Hebrews told his audience, “Remember those who led you, those who spoke the word of God to you; and considering the result of their conduct, imitate their faith.” As we shepherd in the fields where God has placed us, whether with family, coworkers, or friends, we are to make disciples. What if the thought of others imitating you makes you uncomfortable? What if the results of your conduct have not been ideal? This semester, we will examine several commitments that can transform the way you view the world around you, draw you closer in relationship with Christ, and equip you to disciple others with intention to see lives changed. These are not simply habits of effective people. They are commitments that take real work, and we invite you to explore them with us.

Revelation Class

When is Jesus coming back? Will I see Jesus? Who is the Beast? What if I don’t understand? What if I get it wrong? When will things get better? What am I to believe? These are very familiar questions when thinking about what our future holds and what the book of Revelation means. In LifeTruth this spring, we will continue our study of different views of the Revelation by stepping through much of the book. We will compare views on a chapter by chapter basis. Our class will meet together in the sanctuary.

Young Adults/Teens Class

“The Attributes of God”